Succulent lobster tail meat, tossed through a subtly spiced Cape Malay aioli, what’s not to love! We sandwhich this between a toasted brioche milk bun, add lettuce, tomato and finish it off with bacon for a truly decadent mouthful. We like to think it’s a new South African classic in the making.

For the Lobster BLT Sliders
- 2 160g Caught Online South Coast Lobster Tails
- 6 Slider Buns (preferably brioche or similar)
- 6 Slices of Tomato
- 1 Head Baby Gem Lettuce, broken into leaves
- 6 Slices Thick Cut Bacon, (or sub for Macon)
For the Cape Malay Spiced Aioli
- 1/2 Onion, thinly sliced
- 1 Tbsp Oil
- 1 Tsp Cape Malay Curry Powder
- 1 Tsp Tomato Paste
- 2 Big Cloves Garlic, grated
- 1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
- 1/2 lemon
- Salt and Pepper as needed
Short Instructions
Step 1
To cook your bacon, heat your oven to 190C. Lay the bacon on a baking sheet and cook until crisp. Alternatively, pan fry your bacon until crispy. Set aside until needed.
Step 2
Place a small pot over a medium heat, add the oil and the onions and sweat until the onions are translucent and just starting to lightly colour. This should take about 15 minutes.
Step 3
Turn the heat down if the onions begin to brown.
Step 4
While the onions cook, cut down the back of the lobster tails, through the shell, with a pair of kitchen scissors.
Step 5
Once the flesh of the lobster is exposed, check for the vein, which if present, will run along the back of the lobster just under the shell. If a vein is present pull it free.
Step 6
Place the lobsters into a steamer, cut side up, and steam for 5-9 minutes, or until the flesh is slightly firm to the touch and beginning to easily pull away from the shell. The timing will vary depending on the size of your tail. Once cooked, remove the lobsters from the steamer and set aside until cool.
Chef’s Tip: If you do not have a steamer, place a colander into a large pot so that it fits snugly. Fill the pot with about 2cm of water and bring this to the boil. Make sure your water doesn’t come through the base of colander. Add the lobster tails to the colander base and cover the colander with a tight fitting lid, trapping the steam inside the colander.
Once the onions have cooled down, increase the heat and add the curry powder, tomato paste and grated garlic. Fry for 3 minutes on medium high. Remove the onion mix from the pan and set aside to cool.
While the onions cool slice your buns in half. Lightly spread the insides with the 2Tbsp of mayo and then place on a pan to toast until golden brown.
Add 2Tbsp of the onion mixture to your remaining mayo, and stir to combine. Season the mayo with salt and lemon to taste
Remove your lobster meat from the shell and chop it into bite sized pieces. Add the tail meat to a bowl and spoon in enough of your mayo to lightly coat the the lobster.
To assemble your buns add a spoon of your mayo to the base of your brioche buns, top with lettuce, tomato, the saucy lobster meat and finally a slice or two of bacon. Tuck in and enjoy!